Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program Application

Tangipahoa Parish Government is pleased to announce its application for the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program $96,000 grant.

Project Goal: Tangipahoa Parish recognizes the challenges posed by its rapid population growth and the resultant increase in water pollution. While it acknowledges that complete resolution may not be immediate, the Parish is committed to fostering positive changes. Our aim is to enhance public understanding of growth-related issues and facilitate improved community planning to mitigate negative environmental impacts. We aspire to promote resilient stormwater management systems and implement land development policies that foster sustainable growth.

Project Overview: The proposed project is a crucial component of our broader efforts to achieve these goals. Collaborating with experienced partners, we aim to install inlet protection devices and conduct data collection activities to mitigate surface water pollution entering local streams and rivers. Specifically, our objectives include:

  • Conducting public outreach and awareness programs to educate the community about the adverse effects of stormwater runoff and surface water pollution.
  • Collecting detailed pollutant and litter data from eight designated test sites using grant funds and local funds.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please don’t hesitate to contact John Dardis at [email protected] or 985-748-3211.