Robert Wood

2004 Wall of Fame Honoree
Robert W. Wood Sr., or Wayne as he was known, was born in Amite, Louisiana, in November of 1937. He’s a graduate of Amite High School, and the “School of Life”. He started young. Everyone that knew him knew Cowboy was in his blood. At the age of 9, he started roping. He competed in local rodeos around the state and practiced on anything that would stand still.
After high school he started riding bulls and competing throughout the south. He started stock contracting in the late 60’s and was the owner of
“Ol Pate”, one of the best bulls ever bucked. During his stock contracting days he judged and rodeoed with some of the best. Wayne, along with John Yates, Jim Dyer, and Buddy Stevenson, eventually started the Tri-State Rodeo Association, which is still going strong today. Wayne Wood has competed in every event rodeo has ever known, and has passed his knowledge on to his children, grand children, nieces, nephews, and anyone else that has stopped long enough to listen.
He’s a great story teller, a mentor, a horse trader, a rancher, a pipeline worker, a loving husband, a supportive daddy, and the best Paw Paw ever. He loves life, his family, and country living. To know him is to love him, and if you call him a friend, then you’re just lucky. He’s just a down to earth Cowboy that has forgotten more than most of us will ever know.
Members of his family were quoted as saying, “Thank you for the chance to share a man that is so special to all of us.”