Emergency Preparedness

Hours Of Operation:

8:00 am – 4:00 pm | Monday-Friday

Phone: 985-748-9602 | Fax: 985-748-7050
114 N. Laurel St. | Amite, LA 70422

The Tangipahoa Parish Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (TPOHSEP) is the coordinating agency for emergency and disaster activities. The authority for the direction of local government is specified in various state and federal laws. Additionally, Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness is responsible for developing programs and emergency operation capabilities to prevent disasters if possible; reducing the vulnerability of parish residents to any disaster that cannot be prevented; establishing capabilities for protecting citizens from the effects of disasters; responding effectively to the actual occurrence of disasters; and providing for recovery in the aftermath of any emergency involving extensive damage or other debilitating influence on the normal pattern of life within the community. Using the four phases of Emergency Management, i.e., Preparedness, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery, so as to save or protect life and property during survivable crises, the Emergency Preparedness Department joins with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure that a national emergency management awareness effort is developed for total community preparedness to meet natural or manmade disasters.

Tangipahoa Parish is recognized as a StormReady® Community

Sign Up For Alerts

How To Be Prepared

Hurricane Information

Tornado Information

Floods And Lightning

Train Derailment

About The EOC

Pet Preparedness


Dawson Primes, LEM

Vicki Travis, LEM
Deputy Director

Shea’ Teague
Emergency Management Specialist

Hazard Mitigation Plan

Click the link below to view and download the Tangipahoa Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Emergency Operations Plan

Click the link below to view and download the Tangipahoa Parish Emergency Operations Plan.