GNO, INC Update – 4/13/2020

Regional Stakeholders,

During a crisis, timely, accurate, and actionable information is important.  In order to help you get this information, GNO, Inc. is sending out regular updates.  Please see below, and feel free to forward.

April 13, 2020 Update


  • Main Street Lending Program – GNO, Inc. has created a one-page overview of the recently announced program.   You can find it here.  Details of the program include:
    • Eligible for businesses up to 10,000 employees or $2.5B in revenue
    • Loan size $1M – $25M
    • Loan terms 2.5% – 4.0% for four-year term (one-year deferment on payments)
  • Public Schools to Remain Closed for Year – Today, during a press conference in Monroe, Gov. John Bel Edwards said he will order public schools to remain closed for the rest of the academic year.  The State will not require public school students to make up the missed time. The Governor’s official proclamation will be released later this week.  Follow this link to read more.
  • Payroll Tax Deferment New FAQs — The IRS has posted new Frequently Asked Questions on the Payroll Tax Deferment provided under the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The FAQs address specific issues related to the deferral of deposit and payment of the employer’s share of social security taxes.
  • COVID-19 Clinical Trial — LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine has enrolled its first patient in a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. The goal of the trails is to find a treatment method that best suits the patient in combating COVID-19.


  • City of New Orleans “SewDat” Partnership — The Mayor’s Office and the City’s Department of Health partnered to launch a SewDat, a centralized website for resources and donations for cloth face coverings. The website provides a location where citizens, non-profits and businesses can donate cloth face coverings to non-medical, essential employees. If you know an organization that would like to be added to the business directory, visit


Are you looking for:

  • Online Training? – A catalogue of opportunities for online training from the region’s higher education partners and private training providers can be found here.
  • Work? – If you want a job in a sector that is surging right now, new openings are on
  • Employees? – A database of local talent looking for new job opportunities, including quick employment history and skills summary, is on theWorkNOLA Workforce Directory.
  • COVID-19 Customers/Purchasers? – If you have pivoted your business to make a new, coronavirus-related product, register on GNOpivot.
  • COVID-19 Supplies/Services? – If you are looking for PPE, sanitizer, food providers, and other related products and services, search the GNOpivot Resource Tool.

As always, general information is on the GNO, Inc. Coronavirus Business Resource Page.

Please feel free to contact me [email protected] or VP Policy Ileana Ledet at [email protected] with any questions or suggestions.

Take care,



Michael Hecht

President & CEO

Greater New Orleans, Inc.