Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a Wetland-Tangipahoa Parish Govt

To: All interested Agencies, Groups, and Individuals

This is to give notice that the Parish of Tangipahoa Government (Parish) has determined that the following proposed action under the Restore Louisiana Resilient Communities Infrastructure Program (RCIP) is located in a wetland. The Parish will be identifying and evaluating practicable alternatives to locating the action within the wetland and the potential impacts on the wetland from the proposed action, as required by Executive Order 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 in Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands.

The proposed project is located at West Mulberry Street in Amite City, Tangipahoa Parish. The proposed activity to be completed using RCIP funding is the extension of West Mulberry Street westward to provide an alternate evacuation route for the surrounding community. The proposed actions will include clearing, grading, and placing fill material within a sixty-foot-wide right-of-way for approximately 1,880 linear feet, beginning at the intersection of W. Mulberry and North Second Street, progressing west and then south to connect to LA Highway 16 (approximately 30.726688, -90.517308). The extent of wetlands was determined using wetland delineation. There will be approximately 0.52 acres of wetlands impacted.

There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in wetlands and those who are interested in protecting the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Commenters are encouraged to offer alternative sites outside of the wetland, alternative methods to serve the same project purpose, and methods to minimize and mitigate project impacts on the wetland. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information and request for public comment about wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks and impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.

Written comments must be received by the Parish at the following address on or before 4 pm on March 6, 2025:

Attention Robby Miller, Parish President

Parish of Tangipahoa Government

P.O. Box 215

Amite, Louisiana 70422

985 748-3211

A full description of the project may also be reviewed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 206 E. Mulberry St. and at tangipahoa.org. Comments may also be submitted via email at [email protected].