LABEOC In Search Of – 4/7/2020

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LABEOC Partners –

We are looking for a Louisiana-based manufacturing facility that would be capable of producing a SARS CoV-2 Antibody test that One Milo has developed.

At this time they are looking for ISO certified and FDA certified manufacturing plant that has capacity now to manufacture One Milo’s SARS CoV-2 Antibody test so they can expand their operations. A manufacturing company that produces lateral flow devices and/or pregnancy tests but does not already manufacture a COVID-19 antibody test would be the ideal candidate.

One Milo would also be open to discussing bringing the proper equipment into a certified plant if someone has that availability/capacity.

One Milo would like to contract any such manufacturing plant to their full capacity as soon as possible.

Contact Meredith Kallaher for further information

Chris J. DeGuelle
LABEOC Director

The LA BEOC is designed and developed by the NIMSAT Institute under the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP)